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Court Appearance re GNECB Investigation in Learner Permit Fraud. 18th June, 2024.

Issue Date: 18th June 2024

Gardaí have arrested one woman this morning, Tuesday 18th June, 2024 as part of an ongoing investigation conducted by the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau, which began in March 2021, targeting persons suspected to be involved in fraudulently obtained driver Learner Permits.

During numerous search operations it was identified that 124 impersonation incidents occurred which resulted in a total of 114 third parties applying for and successfully obtaining learner permits.

In some cases the third parties reported they paid up to €2,500 for the services of an impersonator and the resultant Driver Theory Test Certificate.

All 114 parties have been identified by the RSA, and have had the Learner Permits arising from these frauds voided and revoked.

The woman, aged in her 40s was arrested this morning and is due to appear before the Criminal Courts of Justice, Court number 3 this morning, Tuesday 18th June, 2024 at 10.30am.

Investigations are ongoing.