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An Garda Síochána – Attestation of 157 Garda Members 28th June 2024

This morning 28th June 2024, 157 Gardaí were attested as sworn members of An Garda Síochána.

  • 102 Male/ 55 Female (65% male, 35% female) 
  • 17 Gardaí born outside the state – USA, Pakistan, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Brazil, Romania  
  • 4 probationers were former Reserve Gardaí

Strength of An Garda Síochána (28th June 2024)

  • 14,100 Sworn Gardaí 
  • 3,502 Garda Staff 
  • 329 Garda Reserves

A further 294 Garda recruits, 2 intakes, are currently undergoing the training programme at the Garda College.

The next intake of Garda recruits is scheduled to enter the Garda College on Monday 1st July 2024.

The 157 newly attested Gardaí bring to 710 the number of Probationer Gardaí attested since recruitment recommenced in 2022 following Covid-19 restrictions paused recruitment in 2020.

These 157 newly sworn members will be allocated as follows:

  • Dublin Region   102 
  • Eastern Region  38 
  • Southern Region  11 
  • NorthWestern Region 6

These newly attested 157 members of An Garda Síochána were recruited as part of the 2022 recruitment campaign. 

The new Gardaí commenced their Garda training in October 2023, and have undertaken a blend of on-line learning, on-site learning in the Garda College, and experiential learning in training Garda stations. 

During their training these new Probationer Gardaí were involved in community based policing, observed and assisted in serious crime investigations, policed across the country during St Patricks Day events, and assisted at community events, Garda Youth Awards ceremonies amongst other events.

These 157 newly sworn Gardaí will now take on operational responsibilities. 

Speaking at today’s attestation, Commissioner Drew Harris welcoming the new Garda probationers said;

"In applying to become a Garda you took the first steps towards a rewarding and varied career. And now as you prepare to embark on the road ahead, it is important to remember the journey to where you are today. It has taken strength. It has taken dedication. It has taken a drive to succeed, and a desire to be of service."

Commissioner Harris reminded the new Garda probationers that:

"As Gardaí you have a responsibility to serve the people of Ireland. To keep them safe. To put them first. To act ethically. Professionally. And with integrity to protect the human rights of everyone you come into contact with. As Gardaí it is your duty to maintain the highest standards. It is what the public expect and deserve, and what I expect too. Being a Garda is a privilege and an honour.”

Wishing the new Garda probationers well Garda Commissioner Harris said:

"Thank you for choosing a career in An Garda Síochána. I hope the weeks and months ahead brings plenty of great first experiences and that your journey with us in An Garda Síochána is a long and fulfilling one. I now formally congratulate you on becoming members of An Garda Síochána.”

Background Information:

Regional Allocation of Probationer Gardaí:

Dublin - 102

East - 38

South - 11

NorthWest - 6

Total - 157

NB: The allocation of Probationer Gardaí is initially to Training Garda Stations and also allows for consequential inter-divisional transfers of other members. 


The number of applications, made by members of An Garda Síochána due for ‘compulsory retirement’ to extend service to An Garda Síochána has increased significantly in recent years by over 200%. 

  • 31 extensions were approved during 2021 and 2022 
  • 55 extensions were approved during 2023, 
  • 40 extensions have already been approved for 2024 to date (25 remain under consideration)

In total since 2021, approximately 14% of Gardaí due to retire, on compulsory retirement, have requested to remain working within An Garda Síochána.  Not all applications are approved.


Total Garda Workforce 17,931 (As of the 28/06/2024) includes historically high numbers at rank of Inspector and Sergeant in An Garda Síochána

• 489 Inspectors

• 2,214 Sergeants

Promotions to Sergeant and Inspector Rank recommenced in 2022 after the Covid-19 pandemic

• 2022 - 507 members were promoted

• 2023 - 305 members were promoted

• 2024 – 116 members have been promoted to date

During 2023 2,424 sworn members undertook professional examinations to be eligible for promotion to Sergeant and Inspector Rank within An Garda Síochána.  

Retirements/ Resignations:

As of the 28th June 2024, 132 members of An Garda Síochána voluntarily or compulsorily retired. During the same timeframe 85 members of An Garda Síochána resigned.

An Garda Síochána has established an internal recruitment and retention group to which ALL Staff Associations are part of.

Ongoing Recruitment:

A further 294 Garda recruits, 2 intakes, are currently undergoing the training programme at the Garda College.

The next intake of Garda recruits are scheduled to enter the Garda College on the 1st July 2024.

Garda recruitment recommenced in 2022, after the closure of the Garda College in 2020 at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. 2022 was the 1st of annualised recruitment campaigns, with campaigns also being advertised in 2023 and 2024.

2022 – over 11,000 applicants 2023 – nearly 5,000 applicants 2024 – over 6,300 applicants

Of the 6,300+ applicants in the 2024 campaign

  • 69% male,31% female 
  • 60% under 35 years, 40% 35 – 49 years 
  • 25% noted their ethnicity as other than White Irish

Recruit classes are now entering the Garda College every 11 - 12 weeks.

Since the 1st Garda recruits from the 2022 campaign commenced in the Garda College in November 2022, 1,024 Garda Trainees have entered the Garda College, 92 in 2022, 746 during 2023, 186 2024.

  • 92 November 2022 • 135 February 2023 
  • 154 May 2023 • 174 July 2023 
  • 174 October 2023 • 109 December 2023 
  • 186 April 2024

A further Intake will commence in the Garda College on 1st July 2024, exact numbers to be confirmed.

Garda Recruitment is a multistage process.

Public Appointments Service (PAS) phase:

• Stage 1: Following completion of the online application form, candidates are required to complete online Verbal, Numerical Assessment Tests and Questionnaires.  

• Stage 2: Successful candidates at stage 1 are invited to undertake a competency based interview.

Following Interview PAS provide details of successful candidate to An Garda Síochána to undergo Stage 3, Appointments Process. The appointments process is conducted by An Garda Síochána.

During the appointments process candidates must complete

  • Physical Competence Test (PCT) 
  • Medical Examination 
  • Substance Misuse (Controlled Drug) Testing 
  • Vetting

In successful completion of all the above parts a candidate may be invited to partake in the Foundation Training Programme as Recruit Gardaí.

  • Phase 1 of the Foundation Training Programme takes 32 weeks and includes
    • Stage 1 – Garda College
    • Stage 2 – Experiential, Observational learning Stage in Operational Garda Stations
    • Stage 3 – Capstone stage, Garda College

At the completion of Phase 1 of the Foundation Training Programme Recruit Gardaí are attested and become Probationer Gardaí.