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Fatal Explosion at a Premises on Little Britain Street, Dublin - 18th January 2024

Issue Date: 18th January 2024

Gardaí at the Bridewell are actively investigating the cause of an explosion at a property on Little Britain Street, Dublin 7, on Thursday, 18th January 2024.

Gardaí and emergency services responded to an incident at a residential premises on Little Britain Street shortly after 3:00 pm, following reports of an explosion inside the property. An adult male aged in his 30s sustained fatal injuries and was pronounced deceased at the scene.

The explosion was confined to one room within the property, and no one else was injured.

Residents at the premises were evacuated, and a cordon, along with local traffic diversions, remain in place.

The precise cause of the explosion is currently under investigation, and the Garda Technical Bureau have commenced a forensic and technical examination with assistance from Army EOD.

The Coroner has been notified, and a post-mortem examination is due to be carried out by the State Pathologist at Dublin City Morgue tomorrow.

Anyone with information that can assist investigating Gardaí is asked to contact the Bridewell Garda Station on 01 6668200 or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111.

The investigation is ongoing.