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An Garda Síochána Participate in Europol's 12th Victim Identification Taskforce

Issue Date: 26th May 2023

Between 8th May 2023 and 19th May 2023, An Garda Síochána, along with other law enforcement partners, participated in the 12th Victim Identification Taskforce organised by Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) which saw six victims of child sexual abuse identified and removed from harm.

As part of the taskforce, a delegate from An Garda Síochána, with assistance from the Garda National Cyber Crime Bureau (GNCCB), worked through approximately 400 files.

Some of these files were then referred to other countries for further investigation, creating a number of further lines of enquiry into the identification of new victims.

An Garda Síochána will continue to work closely with Europol and other law enforcement partners in the identification of new victims so they can be also removed from harm.