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GNECB Arrest for Deception, Charlestown, Co. Mayo. 11th June, 2023.

Issue Date: 11th June 2023

This morning, Sunday 11th June, 2023 Gardaí attached to the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau (GNECB) arrested a man for an ongoing investigation into an offence of deception in Charlestown, Co. Mayo.

The arrest relates to an investigation into investment fraud. More than 65 complaints have been made to An Garda Síochána from persons who were deceived and lost approximately €1.2 million in total, between 2016 and 2022.

The man, aged in his 60s, is currently detained at a Garda station in the Co. Mayo under the provisions of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984.

Investigations ongoing.