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€166,000 Cannabis and Cocaine Seized Following Searches in Cabra and Mountjoy - Dublin - 16th June 2023

Issue Date: 17th June 2023

Gardaí attached to the Dublin Crime Response Team (DCRT), and K District Crime Units carried out a number of searches in the Cabra and Mountjoy areas of Dublin on Friday, 16th June 2023. The operation targeted local organised crime, and assistance for the operation was provided by a number of national and regional units.

Drugs with a combined value of €166,000 was seized by Gardaí over the course of the searches. This included an estimated €110,000 in cannabis herb and almost €56,000 in cocaine. The drugs will now be forwarded to Forensic Science Ireland (FSI) to undergo further analysis.

A samurai sword, a machete and a taser were also seized.

Three men were arrested in connection with this operation. Two have since been charged and appeared before the Courts while another man has been released without charge. A file will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Investigations ongoing.