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Operation Tara – Firearm, Ammunition and €100,000 Drugs Seizure Limerick 18th December 2023

Issue Date: 19th December 2023

Gardaí in Limerick have seized a firearm, ammunition and over €100,000 worth of drugs following a search operation in Limerick on Monday, 18th December 2023.

As part of Operation Tara, Gardaí attached to the Limerick Divisional Drugs Unit carried out a planned search of a residence and lands in the Ballysimon area of Limerick.

In the course of the operation cannabis herb with an estimated street value of €100,000 was seized along with a sub machine gun and a number of rounds of ammunition.

The drugs seized are subject to analysis by Forensic Science Ireland (FSI).

A man in his 30's was arrested as part of the investigation and is currently detained at a Garda Station in County Limerick pursuant to Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996. He can be held for up to seven days.

Investigations are ongoing and further updates will follow.