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Firearms and Ammunition Seized, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, 20th December 2023

Issue Date: 20th December 2023

Gardaí in Clonmel seized firearms and ammunition as part of a multi-agency search operation this afternoon, Wednesday 20th December 2023.

The search operation was conducted as part of ongoing investigations into organised criminal activity in the Clonmel area. A total of 12 properties were searched by Gardaí alongside personnel from the Defence Forces (Engineers No. 1 Brigade) and Revenue Customs Service.

During the course of the search, two shotguns were seized by Gardaí as well as ammunition. Other offensive weapons including a machete and incapacitant spray were also seized for technical examination by investigating Gardaí.

Over €2,500 worth of suspected crack cocaine and heroin, and €1,500 in cash, was also seized during the course of the operation.

One male (aged in his 20s) was arrested earlier today and is currently detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984, at a Garda station in County Tipperary.

Investigations are ongoing.