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Witness Appeal: Discharge of a Firearm, Kimmage, Dublin 12. 10th August, 2023.

Issue Date: 11 August 2023

Gardaí are appealing for witnesses following the discharge of a firearm in Kimmage, Dublin 12 yesterday evening, Thursday 10th August, 2023.

At approximately 8.50pm, a 32 year old man received a gunshot wound at St. Martins Park, Kimmage and was taken from the scene to St. James's Hospital to be treated for his injuries.  His injuries are non-life threatening.

No other person was injured as a result of the firearm being discharged.  The scene has been technically examined.

Investigating Gardaí in Crumlin Garda Station are appealing to any person who may have information in relation to this incident to contact them.

Any person who was the area of Kimmage, in the vicinity of St. Martin's Drive, Poddle Park, Poddle Close and/or Bangor Road between 7pm and 9.30pm last night, Thursday 10th August 2023, and who may have mobile phone or dash cam footage, is asked to make this available to Gardaí.

Any person who may have information or footage is asked to contact Crumlin Garda Station on 01 666 6200, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111 or any Garda station.

Investigations are ongoing.