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GNDOCB Operation - €280,000 Heroin Seized, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin, 26th April 2023

Issue Date: 26th March 2023

On Wednesday 26th April 2023, as a result of ongoing investigations targeting organised crime activity under Operation TARA, personnel attached to the Garda National Drugs & Organised Crime Bureau supported by the Special Crime Task Force intercepted a vehicle and conducted a search of a residential address shortly before 2pm in the Clondalkin area of West Dublin.

In the course of the operation 2 Kilogrammes of Diamorphine (Heroin) with a street value of €280,000, and €4,000 in cash was recovered.

One male (40s) was arrested in relation to drug trafficking and is currently detained, pursuant to the provisions of Section 2 of Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act  1996, at a Garda Station in South Dublin.  

Investigations are ongoing.