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Arrest: GNPSB Investigation into Organised Prostitution and Money Laundering, 19th April 2023

Gardaí attached to the Organised Prostitution Investigation Unit in the Garda National Protective Services Bureau (GNPSB) have arrested a female (aged in her 20s) as part of an ongoing investigation into an Eastern European Organised Crime Group operating in this jurisdiction.

The investigation focusses on persons attached to an Eastern European Organised Crime Group who are suspected of being involved in organised prostitution, brothel-keeping and money laundering. A number of searches have been carried out in relation to this investigation.

The woman (aged in her 20s) is currently detained under Section 50 of the Criminal Justice Act, 2007 at a Garda Station in Dublin City.

As part of this operation, Gardaí in the Organised Prostitution Investigation Unit aim to identify victims as well as disrupt, disperse and prosecute persons involved in this type of organised crime.