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Appeal for Information - Fatal Assault, Glentrasna Court, The Glen, Cork City - 11th March 2023

Issue Date: 7 April 2023

Gardaí in Cork are continuing to investigate the fatal assault of a man that occurred at Glentrasna Court, The Glen, Cork City on the 11th March 2023.

The man, aged in his 60s, passed away at Cork University Hospital yesterday, 6th April 2023.

Earlier this afternoon, a post-mortem was completed by State Pathologist, Dr Margot Bolster. The results of which are not being disclosed for operational reasons.

An incident room has been established at Watercourse Road Garda Station and a murder investigation has commenced under the direction of a Senior Investigating Officer. A Family Liaison Officer has been appointed and will keep the family informed of the investigation.

Investigating Gardaí are appealing to the public for assistance with this investigation.

Gardaí are keen to speak to anyone who was in the Glentransa Court area of The Glen on Saturday, 11th March 2023 between 7.30pm and 8.30pm, and who witnessed the incident or who may have information that could assist the investigation.

Gardaí would also appeal to people who may have video footage of the incident, to make this available to Gardaí.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Watercourse Road Garda Station on 021 455 8260, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda station.