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€600,000 Cannabis Herb Seized and €130,000 Cash Searches Co.Dublin and Co.Wicklow 24th September 2020

Gardaí have seized Cannabis Herb with an estimated value of €600,000 and €130,000 in cash following a number of searches in the Dublin and Wicklow area, yesterday, 24th September 2020. The searches were part of an intelligence led operation by Gardaí attached to Pearse Street Station into the sale and supply of illicit drugs.

Shortly before 3pm on the afternoon of 24th September 2020, a car was intercepted in Rathnew, Co.Wicklow. A search of the car led Gardaí to the discovery of a suitcase containing Cannabis Herb with a value of €600,000 (pending analysis). The driver of this car, a 42 year-old man, was arrested at the scene and taken to Pearse Street Garda Station where he was detained under Section 2 of The Criminal Justice Drugs Trafficking Act, 1996.

Following on from this interception, a car was later stopped on the Walkinstown Road in Co.Dublin. Gardaí seized €85,000 in cash following a search of the vehicle. A 46 year-old man was subsequently arrested and conveyed to Pearse Street Garda Station. He was also detained under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act.

A final follow up search at a Dublin residence led to the seizure of small quantities of suspected Cannabis Herb along with €45,000 in cash. The occupants at this residence, one woman and three men, were arrested at the location. The four individuals were taken to Pearse Street and Kevin Street stations.

Investigations ongoing.