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Amendment - Five Arrests on Suspicion of Drink/Drug Driving in Mallow, Co. Cork over a 24hr period

Gardaí have arrested four people on suspicion of driving under the influence in Mallow, Co. Cork over a 24 hour period.

Between the 17th and 18th of December 2020, Gardaí from the Mallow District and the Mallow Roads Policing Unit carried out a number of checkpoints and patrols as part of the North Cork Divisional Policing Plan for Christmas.

The arrests were made as a result of MIT checkpoints, patrols and in one incident, a call from a member of the public. Four arrests were made for suspected drink driving and one for drug driving.

One driver was arrested twice on suspicion of drink driving over a period of six hours in Mallow Town.

Head of the Roads Policing Unit in North Cork, Inspector Joe O Connor said "Our Christmas Road Safety Campaign will run until 5th January, 2021 and will primarily focus on detecting those who drive having consumed alcohol or drugs.

"Gardaí will continue to enforce all road traffic legislation and try to reduce the risk of collisions on the roads. We will focus on driving under the influence, speeding, not wearing a seatbelt and holding a mobile phone whilst driving.

"Never get behind the wheel if you are under the influence of drink or drugs.”

A file will be prepared for the local District Officer in relation to all five incidents.