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Arrest re Possession of Explosives, Kilkenny 14th August, 2020.

Gardaí in Kilkenny have arrested a man (mid 30s) in relation to the possession of explosives that occurred at a property on Church Lane, Kilkenny at approximately 7p.m. last night Friday 14th August, 2020.

Gardaí were alerted to unusual activity at the property and the services of the Technical Bureau and the Army EOD team were requested. Upon inspection of the property, the area was sealed off and one man was located nearby with injuries to his hands and face. He was taken to St. Luke's General Hospital, Kilkenny where he was treated for his injuries. He has since been released from hospital and was arrested and is currently detained at Kilkenny Garda Station under Section 30 Offences Against The State Act, 1939.

The scene remains preserved at this time and investigations are ongoing.