Police Officers across Europe will be conducting seatbelt checks throughout the week of 7th to 13th September 2015.
Vehicle occupants who do not wear their seatbelt will be issued with a penalty. The action is part of a Europe-wide operation co-ordinated by TISPOL, the European Traffic Police Network, which takes place throughout next week.
TISPOL President Aidan Reid says: "Using a seatbelt is a quick and simple task; it’s also a highly effective way of reducing the consequences of a collision. That’s why wearing a seatbelt is not a matter of personal choice, but is compulsory for drivers and passengers in every European country.
"Yet there are still drivers and passengers who for whatever reason do not use a seatbelt.
"We urge drivers to take responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of their passengers, by ensuring everyone wears a seatbelt on every road journey. After all, the use of seatbelts is the single most effective method of reducing fatalities and serious injuries in motor vehicle collisions.”