The primary aim of this campaign is to facilitate, support and highlight Garda Community engagement aimed at reducing the opportunity for crime, reducing the fear of crime and promoting community safety.
The Garda Commissioner has designated the 28th May – 4th June 2013, as Garda Supporting Safer Communities Campaign. This initiative, gives An Garda Síochána, an opportunity to further pledge its’ commitment, to enhance and develop policing in partnership with our communities, in order to promote and support safer communities.
This campaign will reaffirm the ethos of ‘Community Policing’ throughout the country, through the hosting of various activities within local communities. The campaign affords An Garda Síochána, an opportunity to give our public some simple, but effective Crime Prevention and Road Safety Advice.
The primary objective of this ‘Supporting Safer Communities Campaign’, will be to engage with, and raise awareness within our communities of initiatives aimed at preventing crime, reducing the fear of crime and promoting Community Safety.
The primary focus during this Campaign will be in the following areas:
1. High Visibility Policing
2. Burglary / Crime Prevention and Reduction
3. Road Safety
4. Supporting Victims of Crime
As part of this initiative a photo opportunity will be available at the Garda Information stand at the Bloom Festival in the Phoenix Park on Thursday the 30/05/13 at 2pm with Deputy Garda Commissioner Nacie Rice.
The main Garda Síochána ‘Information Point Stand’ comprising ‘Garda Traffic & Garda Community Relations Bureau’ and Community Policing personnel / information, will be located outdoors in the "Mobile Garda Command Unit” in the Festival Site.
Further information on the "Supporting Safer Communities Campaign” will be available on this website and on the Garda Facebook page.