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Missing Person - Rosemarie Rafter, Drimnagh - 2/9/12

Gardaí at Sundrive Road are seeking the public’s assistance in tracing the whereabouts of Rosemarie Rafter.

She was last seen in the Mourne Road area of Drimnagh at approximately 10am on the 2nd of September 2012.


Rosemarie is 47 years of age, is described as 5’4” in height, about 9 1/2 stone in weight, of thin build and with blue eyes. Rosemarie has dark brown curly hair with some grey streaks. She also wears glasses.


Anyone with information is asked to contact Sundrive Road Garda Station 01-6666600, the Garda Confidential Telephone Line 1800 666 111 or any Garda Station. A photo is available by e-mail request to pressoffice@garda.ie