A celebration event to mark the visit of President Barack Obama to Ireland will take place on College Green on Monday, 23 May 2011.
Access to the event will be free, non ticket and the event is open to the public from 2 p.m.
Entertainment will be provided in advance of President Obama's address to the crowd.
There will be one entrance for the event which will be at the intersection of Parliament Street and Dame Street.
NB - There will be no access point from any other street or route around Dame Street or College Green.
The entrance will open at 2pm and there will be security screening at this point.
There will also be a large screen at Christchurch on which people can view the event if crowd capacity issues arise and they cannot access Dame Street.
People attending are asked to allow plenty of time for their journey to the city centre due to the other traffic restrictions in place around the city.
Dart and Luas services will run as normal however there will be some adjustments to Dublin Bus and Bus Eireann routes.
A number of Dublinbike stations are also affected by this event. Please see www.dublinbikes.ie
Garda Press Office.