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Armed robbery Celbridge

Armed Robbery at Celbridge Jewellers, Celbridge, County Kildare - 6th August 2010

At approximately 4.00pm on the 6th of August 2010 two males(30 and 40) entered Celbridge Jewellers on Main Street Celbridge armed with what is believed to be  a handgun and crowbar. The two males threatened staff with the firearm and demanded cash. The culprits left the jewellers with a sum of cash.

Gardai on mobile patrol of the area observed two suspects. The Gardai arrested the suspects and recovered a firearm, balaclava and a sum of cash.

Both suspects are currently detained under the Provisions of Section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act 1939 as amended at Leixlip Garda Station.

Garda Press Office