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Update – Investigation into murder of Kenneth Fetherston on the 22/09/2009

Issue Date: 18th March 2024

The investigation into the murder of Kenneth Fetherston has been ongoing at Tallaght Garda Station since his disappearance on the 22/09/2009 and the subsequent discovery of his remains at Military Road, Rathfarnham, on the 31st January 2010.

In 2020, An Garda Síochána Serious Crime Review Team (SCRT), part of the Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation (GNBCI), commenced a review and investigation into the circumstances of the murder of Kenneth Fetherston.

This morning, investigating Gardaí attached to the SCRT, supported by other GNBCI resources and local Garda Resources have searched a private residence in the midlands.

Investigating Gardaí, from SCRT, have arrested a male in his 40s on suspicion of murder.

The male is currently detained at a Garda Station in the Eastern Region under section 4 Criminal Justice Act 1984.

An Garda Síochána has no further comment at this time.