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Arrest and Court Appearance - Incidents of Robbery, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, October 2022 to January 2024

Issue Date: 25th January 2024

Blanchardstown Gardaí received report of an incident of robbery of a person, which occurred in Clonee, Dublin 15, on Tuesday 23rd January 2024, at approximately 7.45pm.

Gardaí attended the scene and some time later, a male aged in his 20's was arrested at a different location by the K District Crime Task Force. He was detained under the provisions of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, at a Garda station in the Dublin area.

The male was subsequently identified as a person of interest a number of incidents of robbery which occurred in the Blanchardstown area between October 2022 and January 2024.

He has since been charged and will appear before Blanchardstown District Court (Court No. 1) this morning, Thursday 25th January 2024 at approximately 10.30am.

Investigations are ongoing.