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Operation TARA - Cannabis worth over €3.9 million seized and one person arrested – GNDOCB Operation North County Dublin 26th May 2023

Issue Date: 27th May 2023

On Friday 26th May 2023, as part of ongoing investigations targeting organised crime under Operation TARA, personnel attached to the Garda National Drugs & Organised Crime Bureau supported by the Special Crime Task Force carried out an operation in North County Dublin.

In the course of the operation a vehicle was intercepted in the Balbriggan area shortly after 7pm.

During a search of the vehicle 187 kilogrammes of cannabis herb and 30 kilogrammes of cannabis resin was seized. One male aged in his 20s was arrested and is currently detained, under Section 2 of Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 1996, at a Garda Station in North Dublin. He can be held for up to seven days.

The combined value of the drugs seized is estimated at €3.92 million and will be sent to FSI for analysis.

Investigations are ongoing and further updates will follow.