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Fatal RTC Garristown, Co. Dublin. 27th May, 2023.

Issue Date: 27th May 2023

Gardaí are investigating a fatal road traffic collision involving a car and a pedal cyclist that occurred at approximately 12:50pm this afternoon Saturday 27th May, 2023 at Grallagh, Garristown, Co. Dublin.

A female (aged in her 20s) pedal cyclist has been removed from the scene to Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown where a post mortem will take place in due course.

The male driver (aged in his 20s) of the car was uninjured.

The road is currently closed pending an examination by Forensic Collision Investigators. Local diversions are in place.

Gardaí are appealing for any witnesses to this collision to come forward.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Balbriggan Garda station on 01 802 0510, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda station.