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Court Appearance - Possession of Firearm at Templemore Train Station. 21st July, 2023.

Issue Date: 23rd July 2023

Gardaí were alerted to an incident on a train near Templemore Train Station, Co. Tipperary at approximately 6:50pm on Friday evening 21st July, 2023. Reports suggested that a male had been observed on the train with a firearm. Local uniform and plainclothes Gardaí initially attended the scene assisted by Regional Armed Support Unit.

A male was identified on the train. He was searched by Gardaí and found to be in possession of what is believed to be an imitation firearm, subject to a technical examination. The male, aged in his 20s, was arrested at the scene and was detained at a Garda Station in Tipperary under Section 30, Offences Against the State Act 1939.

He has since been charged in relation to this incident and is due to appear before Nenagh District Court tomorrow morning, Monday 24th July, 2023 at 10.30a.m.

Investigations ongoing.