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Seizure of Firearm and Arrest, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16. 21st December, 2023.

Issue Date: 21st December 2023

Gardaí attached to Rathfarnham Garda station arrested one man and seized a firearm in the early hours of this morning Thursday 21st December, 2023.

At approximately, 12.30am this morning Gardaí in uniform responded to reports of a disturbance in Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 and on arrival observed a man carrying a firearm. The man was approaching Gardaí and then proceeded to discard the firearm over a wall and run from the scene.

The man, aged 20 years, was arrested a short distance away and the firearm was recovered by the uniform Gardaí. The man was conveyed to a Garda station in South Dublin where he is currently detained under Section 30 Offences Against the State Act, 1939.

Investigations are ongoing.