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Scramblers and Quad Bikes Seized in Ballymun Search Operation, Dublin 9, 20th December 2023

Issue Date: 20th December 2023

Gardaí in the Ballymun District coordinated a search operation this morning, Wednesday 20th December 2023, targeting the use of illegal scramblers and quad bikes and reports of dangerous driving.

Search warrants were executed at nine properties in Ballymun by Gardaí attached to the Community Policing Unit, with assistance from the Divisional Drugs Unit, Divisional Task Force, and Finglas Community Policing Unit.

During the course of the search operation, 12 scramblers, four quad bikes and one motorbike was seized.

Following a number of recent attacks on dogs in the Ballymun District, four XL Bully dogs were also seized by Gardaí in collaboration with the Dublin City Council dog wardens.

An imitation firearm, a quantity of suspected crack cocaine and over €2,500 in cash was also seized by investigating Gardaí.

The Divisional Roads Policing Unit conducted rolling checkpoints throughout the day and a total of 13 vehicles were seized under the Road Traffic Act. A total of 25 fixed charge penalty notices were also issued.

Three persons were arrested for offences contrary to the Misuse of Drugs Act and the Public Order Act. Two people have since been charged to appear before court at a later date. One person was released without charge and a file will be prepared for the Garda Youth Diversion Bureau.

Investigations are ongoing.