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Fatal Boat Fire, Marina Carrick-On-Shannon, County Leitrim. 7th August, 2023.

Issue Date: 7th August 2023

Gardaí in Carrick-on-Shannon are investigating all the circumstances in relation to a fatal boat fire that occurred in the early hours of this morning Monday 7th August, 2023.  

One female has been confirmed deceased and her body has been removed from the scene to Sligo University Hospital Mortuary where a post mortem will take place tomorrow, Tuesday 8th August, 2023.  

The scene is currently preserved and the boat has been removed to a secure location.  A technical examination will take place of the scene and boat by the Garda Technical Bureau in due course.  

An Garda Síochána can confirm the deceased woman was an off duty member of An Garda Síochána, Deirdre (Dee) Finn, who was attached to Dun Laoghaire Garda station.  

A Family Liaison Officer has been provided to Deirdre's family.

Garda Management will provide supports to Deirdre's family and her colleagues locally and within the wider organisation where required.   Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.