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Witness Appeal - Serious Road Traffic collision on Cork Road, Waterford on the 18/11/19.

Gardaí in Waterford are appealing for witnesses in relation to a Serious Road Traffic collision that occurred on the R680, Cork Road, at approximately 12.45p.m. yesterday afternoon Monday 18th November, 2019.

The collision occurred between a motorcyclist (man, aged 30 years) and a car.  The motorcyclist was removed from the scene to University Hospital Waterford and is in a critical condition.  The male driver of the car, (late 70s) was treated for minor injuries.

Gardaí are appealing to any motorists who may have witnessed the collision or may have travelled on the road and who may have dash cam footage to contact them at Waterford Garda Station on 051 - 305300, The Garda Confidential Line 18000 666 111 or any Garda station.

Investigations ongoing.