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Missing Person Update – Leonard O’Neill

Missing Person Update – Leonard O’Neill

Gardaí in Waterford investigating missing man Leonard O'Neill, 50 years of age  who went missing on 16th April, 2019 from Waterford recovered his body yesterday morning at the Quay, Saturday 27th April, 2019.
An Garda Síochána would like to thank the public and the media for their assistance in this matter.

Garda Press Office

Gardaí in Waterford are appealing to the public for assistance in tracing the whereabouts of missing man Leonard O’Neill from Waterford.

Leonard (50) was last seen in the Ballybricken in the early hours of Tuesday morning (16/4/2019). He was wearing a dark coloured jacket and glasses resting on his forehead. He is of stocky build with brown eyes and a shaved head.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Waterford Garda Station 051 305300 or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111.

An image is available by email request to pressoffice@garda.ie