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Body Discovered Charlestown, Co. Mayo 27/5/2018

Gardaí are investigating all circumstances surrounding the discovery of a body of a man (50s) in a flat on Main Street, Charlestown. The man’s body was discovered by Gardaí shortly after 1.40pm this afternoon (27/5/2018). The alarm was raised by locals who were concerned as the man had not been seen in recent days.

He was pronounced dead at the scene and following consultation with the local Coroner his body was later removed to the mortuary at Mayo General Hospital. The scene was examined members of the Divisional Scene of Crime Unit. 

The office of the State Pathologist has been notified and a post-mortem examination is due to be carried out tomorrow afternoon (28/5/2018) by Dr Curtis. A case conference was held this evening by investigating Gardaí at Charlestown Garda Station and enquires are ongoing.

The course of the investigation will be determined by the outcome of the post-mortem.

Updates will follow.