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Missing Person - Diarmuid Twomey (31) Cork

Gardaí are trying to trace 31 year old Diarmuid Twomey who was last seen in the early hours of yesterday morning, Sunday 20th December, near Fairhill, Gurranabraher in Cork at 3am.

His phone was later found outside at house at Ballynahina, Cork at about 11.30am.

Diarmuid is described as 6', stocky build, with dark brown hair. When last seen he was wearing a blue check shirt, beige chinos and brown runners.

Gardaí are concerned for his safety and are appealing to anyone with information, particularly any taxi driver who may have pick up a fare in the area matching Diarmuid’s description to contact them at Gurranabraher Garda station on 021 4946200.

A photograph of the missing man is available from pressoffice@garda.ie