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€5.1 million Drug Seizure and 5 Arrested, Dublin 2nd May, 2014

As part of on-going intelligence-led operation targeting the sale and supply of drugs led by the Garda National Drugs Unit assisted by local Garda Drug Units in Dublin, drugs with an estimated street value of over €5.1 million were seized in Dublin which concluded today 2nd May.

 These operations use advanced analytical and intelligence methods to disrupt criminals and dismantle their networks. Drug seizures play a critical role in targeting the livelihood of criminals and reducing their ability to carry out illegal activities. Drug seizures also help protect communities from the devastating impact of drugs and the associated criminality.

In the first part of the operation Gardaí stopped a van and a car on Ballymun Road in the city. They arrested three men, one in his 20s, one in his 30s, and one in his 70s. They also seized approximately 90kg of Cannabis resin. The men are detained under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 2006 at Ballymun and Finglas Garda stations.

In a follow up operation in a unit at North Dublin Business Park Gardaí seized approximately 240kg of cannabis herb and arrested a forth man in his 30s. This man is detained at Blanchardstown Garda Station under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 2006.

A short time later a female in her 30s was arrested in the Ballymun area and she is detained under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 2006 at Blanchardstown Garda Station.

The total value of the drugs seized subject to analysis is in the region of 5.1 million Euro.